Sell online in China
Q1, 2017 Numbers
- China online sales are more than double US online sales!
- Total online retail sales in China sum to 204.1 billion USD, vs. 98.1 billion USD in USA.
- More than 70% of the 7.59 billion package delivers (e.g. more than 5.3 billion) are from online sales.
Potential Clients
- 280 billion potential clients are looking for high quality premium products !
- This is the count of 2 upper class income in China (top 20% with highest income in China)
Work with Main Players
- There are two main e-commerce players in China: Alibaba with &
- Estimations are, that those two players alone, hold around 80% of the online retail sales in China.
- Other players in the market, are YihaoDian, Amazon, Gome, Jumei & VIP, that holds around 10% of the sales.